Haskell Kernels and Scheme

I learned recently about a concept in Haskell called a kernel. Haskell is comprised of a number of syntactic conveniences that can be translated into a base syntax — a modified version of the lambda calculus. Learning about these kernels has helped me write more useful macros in Scheme.

The yield macro below is inspired by list comprehensions in Haskell wherein every element of one list is applied to every element of n number of lists if an optional predicate is satisfied. Within the Haskell kernel, a list comprehension is revealed to be syntactic sugar over a monadic instance. The monad, in this case, is nondeterminism, where all possible data combinations are expressed as a list.

;; === macro ===
(define-syntax yield
  (syntax-rules (<-)
    ;; base case
    [(yield expression ([x <- mx]))
     (concat-map mx (lambda (x)
                      (list expression)))]
    ;; recursive case
    [(yield expression ([x <- mx] [y <- my] ...))
     (concat-map mx (lambda (x)
                      (yield expression ([y <- my] ...))))]
    ;; base case with predicate
    [(yield expression ([x <- mx]) predicate)
     (concat-map mx (lambda (x)
                      (if predicate
                          (list expression)
    ;; recursive case with predicate
    [(yield expression ([x <- mx] [y <- my] ...) predicate)
     (concat-map mx (lambda (x)
                      (yield expression ([y <- my] ...) predicate)))]))

;; === monad ===

(define empty '())

(define concat
  (lambda (xs)
    (fold-right append '() xs)))

(define concat-map
  (lambda (xs f)
    (concat (map f xs))))

;; === example ===

(define binary '("0" "1"))

(define count-to-fifteen
  (yield (string-append bit-4 bit-3 bit-2 bit-1)
         ([bit-4 <- binary]
          [bit-3 <- binary]
          [bit-2 <- binary]
          [bit-1 <- binary])))

;; - evaluates ->

'("0000" "0001" "0010" "0011"
  "0100" "0101" "0110" "0111"
  "1000" "1001" "1010" "1011"
  "1100" "1101" "1110" "1111")
A Scheme macro that defines a list comprehension.